Successful integration with customer’s information system
04.02.2016 | Company's news
SVX Company has successfully completed the process of integration of its own WMS with a customer’s record-keeping system. This integration is implemented on the basis of a new warehouse management system “Axapta” developed by Columbus Company on Microsoft platform which was implemented at SVX warehouses late in the previous year.
The process of integration of the two systems took about 15 days and underwent 4 stages. At the first stage, data interchange format was discussed and approved. At the second stage, the customer's system and WMS were adjusted in accordance with the agreements made before. Then our IT specialists checked interoperation validity of the two systems in a test mode. At the last stage, the previously used settings were applied for a run-time version of the system.
In the process of running, the WMS of SVX Company and the customer’s record-keeping system exchanged inventory references, hierarchy groups of inventory and inventory packages. Now the WMS accepts receipt, handling, consumption and stock control requisitions sent by the customer’s system. On completion of order handling, the WMS sends responses to the customer. Then the both systems check the amount of stock.
Integration is implemented at two levels at once — via SQL databases and by means of file interchange.
“Customer's system carries out data interchange with our warehouse management system in two ways. In one case, the whole process of file interchange is carried out via integration with SQL database. The customer uploads references and orders in the corresponding tables of the SQL database, and the WMS automatically downloads the data. The WMS sends messages (responses) which can be viewed in the SQL database, and the customer's system downloads the data. In the other case, the customer’s system generates data in a file format and uploads them into FTP. The WMS downloads the data and analogically sends responses on completion of order handling”, — say IT specialists of SVX Company.